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  1.  An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements with a certain fixed composition in the major component is a metal.
  2. Pure metals are made up the same type of atoms and are of the same size and are arrangrd in an orderly manner.
  3. Pure metals are ductile and malleable because the layers of atoms can slide on one another when force is applied.

Image result for alloyl atoms layer slide animation

Image result for pure metal vs alloy
4.In an alloy,the presence of atoms of other metals that are different sizes disturb the orderly arreangement of atoms in the metal.
5.The layer of atoms in an alloy cannot side easily and thus an alloy is stronger and harder than its pure metal.

pure metal vs alloy video in 15 seconds:

  • To make metals stonger and harder.
  • Resistant to corrosion.
  • Have a better furnish and lustre.

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